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Pear Deck By: Amanda Cross

The tech tip I have for you guys this week is a website called Pear Deck.  It does cost money but there is a free version and one of the best features for the free version is the Vocabulary Factory.  This is a great tool to review or even introduce new vocabulary words.  A link to the site is found above.  Once you click on the link you will find a brief description and a video explaining how the site works.  

Some cool features that I like are the following: 
  • It works great with google accounts, students must use their Goodpasture account.
  • When you are finished you can upload the cards to Quizlet so that the students can study for a test or quiz.
  • It automatically breaks and pairs the students up for you and if you don't like the groups you can reshuffle.
  • It makes the students think more in-depth about the vocabulary words because they must draw a picture and write an example.
  • It can be used for competitions, so you will receive lots of arguments on why this is a good example or not.  
  • It allows the students to work with other students and I love hearing students explain their thinking to other students.  
I would highly recommend trying it out next time to mix up your vocabulary routine.  


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